Monday, August 22, 2016

Housekeeping post.

I've made the decision to scale back this blog's post schedule from one review daily to one, maybe two reviews per week. I love writing reviews, and I'll probably still be doing it even if I don't post them publicly, but right now posting one every day is feeling pretty futile.

I don't do this for the views, but at the moment I don't have any followers on here and I know for a fact that the majority of the pageviews on this blog are from spambots and webcrawlers that somehow got a hold of my URL. There's no way to fix this problem without password-protecting my blog. 90% of the views I get I can't verify are from an actual human being, and that's just disheartening to me. Right now I feel like continuing to put out reviews at this pace I'm currently at amounts to shouting into the void, so to speak.

If I get more followers eventually or people start to comment, I'll probably switch back to the review-a-day, because I can sustain that format easily considering my output even when I'm not posting publicly. But for now I'll just pick and choose the best of my reviews and post one or two per week.

In the meantime, I want to introduce some list-format posts- things like what I mentioned a few days ago where I compile some obscure names in filmmaking that I feel should be more widely known, also a list of short films I've had kicking around in my head for a while. I might do a few of those types of posts along with the reviews here and there.

I hope the flesh-and-blood visitors who may or may not be reading this are all doing well. I don't know how some of you stumble upon this blog but I'm very happy that you do. Thanks a lot for reading.

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